Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Words of wisdom

1. To be care about people we know will brings more friends and happiness. It is because a friendship that based on caring is genuine.

2. No matter where we are, we need to develop a friendly and harmonious relationships with other people. Just like a lantern, the fire itself is small, yet it brings light and warm to people.

3. To pay full attention to people who speak to you is very important. There's no other more simpler way to show respect towards others.

4. To ask help from somebody will not only show how important that person is, it will also bring new friendship and business opportunity.

5. A secret to success lays on the ability to see things from both our own and others' perspectives.

6. The main reason of why people failed is because they never see things from others' perspectives. In any relationship we need to give a caring hand, be able to defend from attacks. That is our only choice.

7. A candle will not fade off just because of the other candle. We serve for the sake of friendship and we sacrifice for the sake of love. In this way, it would increase our abilities and brighten our mind.

8. Just like a saying: "Leave some space when we park the car, it will be easier for us to reverse later.". Give someone a break and it will be better next time when both of you meet.

Speak harmoniously

To speak straight as it is can be dangerous because people who like to say things without considering others' feeling would only see things from their appearance.

Their only concern is their own feeling of "need to speak out loud" but would never think about others' feelings, perceptions and behaviours. As a result, talking without considering others' feelings can be bad to other people and also can worsen the problem. Surrounding people may eventually feel suffocated and then problems occurred.

We might be a good looking person, yet we haven't get any dates. Our co-workers would do their best to leave us alone. They would also be cautious around us otherwise they might get hurt from our way of speaking.

One day in an office party, Mr. Zhang met his co-worker who wear a new fitted blouse. It doesn't really suit her body shape and therefore Mr. Zhang told her: "Honestly, your shirt looks pretty. But when you wear it, it looks like a tank with a beautiful cloth wrapped around. I think you are a bit fat." This lady stared at Mr. Zhang and then leaved with anger. She never speak to him since.

Talking without any consideration can be cruel. Just like a sword, it can hurt other people and our self at the same time.
Anything can be gently delivered. Don't talk without considering others' feelings. To speak straight and plain without disguise can sometimes hurt.

Therefore, deliver our message nicely and we might get the respond we want. Think before we speak is the behaviour of matured person.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Get rid of your temper

A young political candidate went to see his senior asking for advice. He asked: "Sir, may I know about your experience in winning the election? What are the tips?" The senior member then said: "I can tell you, but you've to promise that every time you interrupt me you have to pay $5." The youngster then replied, "Ok. I agree."

The senior then said: "Very good. What I want to say is that every time you hear people criticize or talk behind you, you must not get mad. This is my first experience. But honestly, I don't really agree that people like you can win the election...", the youngster then panicked and interrupted: "Sir, how can you...". The senior then said: "Please pay $5". Then the youngster felt relieved: "Oh! This is just a test, right?"

The senior replied: "Oh, yes. It's a test. But really, it's actually my personal opinion...". The youngster started to get panic again and said: "But sir! Why do you said so...". "Please pay $5" replied the senior.

"Ah!" the youngster started to feel angry and said: "It's just a test! And I have let you earn $5 too easily!".

The senior then looked at the youngster said: "Yes, it is easy! Why don't you pay first then we continue? Because everyone know that you are a slacker and won't keep your promise..."

The youngster started to shout: "You b*$t**d!"

"Please pay $5"

"Ah! Again it's a test! I better control my emotion!" answered the youngster.

Then he finally managed to calm himself and settled. Finally, the senior said: "You need to remember that every time you get angry or mad because of someone talks badly about yourself, you might lose a vote. For you, one vote is more valuable than money."

** Someone who has a bad temper or is unable to control his/her anger, can never succeed in anything **

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Self value: who to decide?

Who am I? It's a simple yet complicated question. Many weaknesses come from our own heart. Just like a saying: "when there's a will, then there's a way". The main key lays on whether we can see it or not, whether we can decide or not.

There was a youngster who seek for Master Zen. He asked: "Master, someone has praised me that I am smart and will have a bright future. But there's also another people who said I'm a fool and will never success in future. What about you, Master? How do you see me?"

Then Master asked him: "How do you see yourself?" Youngster shook his head and looked confused.

Master then stopped and said: "For instance, the value of one kilo of rice will be different depends on whoever see it. A housewife will see it as a couple bowls of cooked rice. While for a farmer, he can only earn $5 from this rice. On the other hand, a kilo of rice can be made into 5 glutinous rice dumplings. And it can be sold for $15 altogether."

Master then continued, "For seasoning factory, one kilo of rice can produce $18 values of seasonings. And for winery, a kilo of rice can turn into $30 income. Now, think about it. The rice itself is still one kilogram. Similarly, a person can be looked up or down. In truth, you are who you are. It is you who can decide your own value."

Finally, the youngster understands and since then whatever he does, confidence comes first, strategy comes second and skill comes third. If a person doesn't have confidence, then he/she couldn't decide his/her own future. Living is an energy, a confidence, if we lost our energy and confidence, then we lost everything.

Love and believe in our self. In the eye of God, every living being is a miracle. We need to be brave and challenge our self to become a miracle.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Heaven knows

There are many posts in this blog relate to how we can achieve success in life.

However, being too obsessed with success and failure can be dangerous. Because once we are too attached to them, we'll lost our freedom in life. They (success and failure) will become the one to control our life. They will become the only goal and reason for us to live in this world.

Furthermore, we may even reach a stage when we don't even feel happy anymore even though we achieve success.

There was a well known doctor who enjoys huge popularity at a city. One day, a young lady visited him. After examining her, he found a tumour in her ovarium. She needs to go through operation to remove it.

After short preparation, the operation begins. With the latest technology, this operation is a small case for an experienced doctor like him.

He then cut the stomach of the patient, working towards the ovarium. However before he makes his way to the ovarium, he stopped suddenly and the sweat poured down his face. What he'd seen was a baby and not tumour.

He faced a dilemma. If he cut off the foetus and tell the patient that it's a tumour, his patient will thank him and he'll keep his good reputation. On the other hand if he admits his mistake then it'll ruin his reputation.

After couple seconds, he came with a decision to put down the knife. He then sit quietly in his office waiting for the patient to regain her consciousness.

Afterwards, he walked into the room and told his patient and her family saying: "I'm sorry, I have mis-diagnosed. You are pregnant and there's no tumour. Luckily, we found it in time and the baby's doing well. You'll give birth to a healthy and cute baby."

The patient and her family were shocked. After a couple seconds, husband of the patient went out suddenly and grabbed the doctor and said: "You're a bad doctor, I will sue you!"

The baby grows healthily but the doctor was sued and almost went bankrupt.

A friend of his laughed at him saying: "Why don't you just let it be a mistake? Just say that it's a wierd looking dead foetus. Who'll know?" The doctor smiled then replied: "Heaven knows!"

** Heaven is the sky in our heart. God is the mighty God in our heart. If our heart has principle, then we will not be attached to gain and loss. Our heart will never be controlled by gain and loss.

Please remove one of my eyes

Often we can secretly jealous of other people's luck. Although we might congratulate him/her, we can sometimes feel envy and wish those good things happen to us as well. So before our eyes turn green, lets read the following story.

Once upon a time, a man prayed for God. God answered him, saying: "From now on, I can satisfy all your needs and desires on one condition: I must grant all your wishes twice better to your neighbour."

Then the man started to think - if I get a box of gold, that poor man living next to me will get two boxes. If I get a real beautiful lady as my wife, then that brat will get two pretty ladies.

He got quite angry after thinking and therefore told God: "Oh Your Mighty God! Please remove one of my eyes!"

** This world is so big. Everybody has enough space to live. Someone's luck does not mean other's lost.

We live our own life. We walk our own path. Other people can never steal away our luck and similarly, they also can never take our lost. So why bother to feel envy?

We might admire someone's achievement and wish it will happened to us as well. But instead of staying where we are, why don't we start to put effort so we can walk the same path as them? Lets start to walk on our own path to success from tomorrow on!

Every little thing

In previous post, we have discussed on how a little gesture of kindness towards other people can change our life. Now today, we are going to look at how a little gesture may not always be 'small'. At here, I mean the result it brings.

Once a time, a reporter from a publication made an appoinment with a well-know professor. The professor agreed immediately. The appoinment meant to last for 2 hours. However, the professor politely asked to stop the interview within the first 3 minutes they met. The reporter then felt ackward.

She didn't understand how this could happen, and therefore search for the answer. After a while, a student of that well known professor told her the reason why the professor left after only 3 minutes meeting her. It is all because she took off her shoe straight in front of him and crossed her legs. After hearing it, the reporter was shocked!

In fact, everytime when she's not walking, she has a habit of taking off her shoes everytime she sits. It helps her to relax, and that 'politeness' and 'ethic' have never cross her mind. Unfortunately, her small habits could create such a big problem.

People will never tripped off by a mountain. We are often tripped off because of a small stone. In fact, a small matter might not be that small at all.

Personally, I think a small habit of reflecting our behaviour and action every night before we sleep will help us in improving ourself. The truth and elderly advice can often be our standards in how to treat other people.